
You are probably here because you are trying to create a personal View and are having trouble. No worries, they are actually quite simple. Just follow along and we’ll get this done together.

Lets start from the beginning. Figure out which Entity(Accounts, Contacts) for which you want to create this View. Once you are in that Entity, select the dropdown in the image seen below.

Here we can see all of the personal Views that we already have access to. To create a new View, press the “Create Personal View” button. This will populate the image below. DO NOT BE NERVOUS, This screen is actually very useful and incredibly powerful. I have simply searched for accounts where the address’s state is California.

Before we close out, we need to press “Save As” so that our view has a name. Be sure to name it something meaningful.

Now that our view is complete it will populate on the Account Entity’s list of Views.

There are a few things to note with Views.

  1. You can’t have more than one Entity(Accounts, Contacts) on the same View.
  2. Views can be inserted into forms.
  3. Views can be added together, in what is called a dashboard.

Author: Taylor Johnson
I am a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Professional writing a blog to provide free education for all. I will be posting courses that teach the various subjects needed to be a professional in this field. I welcome you to contact me to discuss inquiries about working on your platform.